Unshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
comic strip overdue media

Sunday, December 02, 2012

It's amazing how much damage the fine print can do

Mortgage Catch Pushes Widows Into Foreclosure
Just as the housing market is recovering, a growing group of homeowners — widows over the age of 50 whose husbands alone were holders of the mortgage — are losing their homes to foreclosure because of a paperwork flaw that keeps them from obtaining loan modifications.

In the latest chapter of the foreclosure crisis, homeowners over 50 are falling into foreclosure at the fastest pace of any age group, according to nationwide data, in part because women are outliving their spouses and are unable to cope with cuts in their pensions, ballooning medical costs — and the fine print on their mortgages.

While there are no exact measures of how many widows have entered foreclosure, figures compiled by AARP show the rate of foreclosures among people over 50 increased by 23 percent from 2007 to 2011, resulting in 1.5 million foreclosures.
I guess the moral of the story is to get the loan modified with your name on it as well before before a spouse's death or getting late in payments. But for so many, it's too late for that. It is sad.

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